What is Deanery Synod?

The Deanery Synod is part of the way the Church of England gives people at different levels a chance to discuss key issues and organise the church's ministry and mission. It sits between the parishes with their Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) and the full diocese, with its Diocesan Synod. It is convened by an Area Dean and Lay Chair and consists of all the licensed clergy in the Deanery and lay people elected by the parishes at their Annual Parish Church Meeting. The lay members serve for three years.

The Synod meets three times a year, visiting different parts of the Deanery, and its business is organised by a small Standing and Pastoral Committee which has both clergy and lay members.

Meetings include:

  • visiting speakers, sometimes from the Diocese, sometimes from other organisations
  • reports from Diocesan and General Synods
  • sharing new developments and good practice
  • the Deanery's action plan
  • financial matters including Parish Share

Stroud Deanery Diocesan Synod Representatives 2021

Deanery Standing Committee Members

The following individuals are members of the Standing Committee, who plan and manage the business of Deanery Synod meetings.

Area Dean:

Revd Sue Murray 01452 770897 smurray123@btinternet.com

Assist. Area Dean: Rev Canon Howard Gilbert 01453 882289 rector@minchchurch.org.uk
Assist. Area Dean: Revd Liz Palin 01452 741147 tv1stroudwater@gmail.com

Lay Chair:

Canon Margaret Sheather: 01453 834961 m.sheather@btinternet.com

Deanery Treasurer:

Mr Mike Lambert: 01453 764635 Mikeandtonilambert@gmail.com

Parish Share Officer:

Mr Mike Lambert: 01453 764635 Mikeandtonilambert@gmail.com

Other Members

Revd Peter Francis: 01453 882475 peterfrancis777@gmail.com - Clergy Rep

Mr Alec Jeakins - 01452 883403 Jeakins@gmail.com - Lay Rep

Currently two Lay vacancy

Deanery Eco Ambassador - Jennie South
Deanery Synod rep for Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton
01453 883456 jennie.south@btopenworld.com



To find out more about the deanery, please contact Mrs Sally Withers, our Deanery Administrator...

Tel: 07410 932853 | Email:

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