Latest Notices...

  • Next Deanery Synod:
    Wednesday 21st May 2025
    St Laurence Church, Stroud

    Speaker: Barrie Voyce 
    Diocesan Senior Youth Connector
    Deanery Vision for Children & Youth Miinistry


Diocesan Vision...

We will post information on our links with the Life Vision here...

Deanery Strategic Mapping Plans 2030
Deanery strategic plans 2030 (video)
with Bishop Robert & Dana Delap

Deanery Strategic Plan PowerPoint Presentation
Stroud Deanery Synod February 2021

Meeting Minutes under the Documents tab

Deanery Strategic Plan
Interim Report April 202

Deanery Strategic Plan 2nd Draft April 2022
DSP Vision Diagram

Deanery Strategic Plan September 2022

Updated Deanery Strategic Plan
& collated papers October 2024

Next meeting of the
Deanery Leadership Team











The Deanery of Stroud is part of the Diocese of Gloucester, which lies within the Province of Canterbury in the Church of England. We are a grouping of parishes which lie south of the city of Gloucester on the southern side of the River Severn.

Our national church is part of the global Anglican Communion, which stretches across over 165 countries worldwide. To find a church in our deanery (and further afield) you can use 'A Church Near You', an excellent parish finder for the Church of England.

Visit the Diocese of Gloucester website Visit the Church of England website Visit the Anglican Communion website Visit the 'A Church Near You' website

In our Deanery, we aim to share the good things that are part of our life together as Christians in this part of Gloucestershire, including news of services, events and further mission activities.

Within this website you will find a list of the parishes and churches within our Deanery, with links to their own websites wherever possible. Nearly all of our Churches meet for worship every Sunday and more information can be obtained from the local Clergy. If you are hoping to arrange a Baptism (Christening), Wedding or Funeral, please contact your own local church in the first instance.

Message from Bishop Rachel 18.3.3025


Stroud Deanery
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Fact Sheet

Deanery Eco Ambassador - Jennie South

Tel: 01453 883456 Email:

To find out more about the deanery, please contact Mrs Sally Withers, our Deanery Administrator...

Tel: 07410 932853 | Email:

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Website Designed and Maintained by Skyfire Designs